We are Resonant Essentials

Esoteric School of Metaphysics

2703 Broadbent Parkway NE Suite J


The Resonant Essentials Esoteric School of Metaphysics (REESM) Mission is to foster the prosperity, development and growth of Albuquerque’s spiritually-based small and sole proprietorship businesses through professional, cultural, and intellectual education. We believe we will accomplish our mission through the dual functions of operating a cutting-edge school of metaphysics to raise the collective consciousness and providing both the space and the opportunity for business coaching, cultural studies, personal growth, and professional promotion.


Our vision is to elevate, empower, and enrich the underserved spiritual-based businesses, so they are operating at their highest level to successfully serve the community of Albuquerque and surrounding areas thus creating a more prosperous future for all members of our community, including the children.

Are Your interested In Learning More About Metaphysics?

Are Your interested In Learning More About Metaphysics?

Understanding your intuition is crucial, yet many struggle to differentiate between ego and intuition. Michelle, a seasoned psychic/medium with 40+ years of experience in the world of metaphysics, is here to guide you. Her course not only builds a solid intuition foundation but also hones your accuracy. Join us for 8 weeks of transformative learning, and unlock the potential to join our Sunday morning open circle, refining your spiritual gifts alongside like-minded individuals."

To reserve your seat or to find out when the next class starts contact Michelle at 505.453.7646

or email michelle@resonantessentials.com

Our Services


Private sessions with our practitioners, who specialize in many metaphysical Gifts of Spirit such as Astrology, Reiki, and Mediumship.


Join us in person for many different kinds of gatherings, including psychic fairs, tarot circles, and potluck socials.

Business Memberships

To other businesses in the Albuquerque area, we provide memberships to our furnished rental spaces.